Thursday, November 1, 2007


These are brutal experiences. I have heard that trauma is relived over & over. So are divorce court appearances.

In broad brush strokes: the judge is angry that I don't have a lawyer; he didn't want to hear any details at all about anything; he awarded us $3000 child support; he told me to quit graduate school.

That's it. I don't want to think about anything else. I want to hide somewhere from the images in my mind of the grinding wrath of a judge who wants his lunch.

Thank you to everybody who called and showed support. The best thing you can do for us right now is to have faith in us. Let us think it through and make our decisions. I am so glad you are all out there. More than you can imagine--we are happy not to be alone while we reel from all these changes and try to figure out how to live.


  1. That kind of describes it in a way that doesn't leave one with too many questions...

    My own experiences in courtrooms has left me with some thoughts about the legal process that I'm not preapred to commit to public view. And I have never been the target of any of the miscarriages of justice that I have witnessed in them. but I want and intend to avoid all contact with the system of justice as I see it practiced today.

    Lawyers and judges claim they are in pursuit of truth and justice. I consider that a total distortion of the truth - they worship the "practice of law", and that is definitely not the pursuit of either of those lofty ideals.

    Judges, whether they're hungry for luch or just totally carried away with their own sense of importance put me in mind of some of the characters I read about from twelfth century England.

    I am sad for you and at the same time want you to know that insisting that there will be a bright side is exactly the atitude that will make it happen just that way - eventually.

  2. Darling...
    Just don't know what to say.
    We haven't talked about court things for a while so I'm not sure of what that all means...But even though, I want to say that I'm there for you...
    Love you three very much!
    I believe in you...never forget that.
    And I'm sure things will get better...just because you deserve it...because it is you!

