Saturday, November 17, 2007

Lyme Disease

I'm just a little bit astonished right now. I just came home from the dr. diagnosed with Lyme Disease! Follow the link to see what the rash can look like and what Lyme disease is. Mine is on my stomach. This is my lucky day--and possibly Magic's. I stopped by Patina (their store) to let Magic know that I got the tick on a ride we took together. She wasn't there but Allen was. He wanted to know what the rash looked like. I showed him and he said "Magic has one just like it." He looked chilled. When I left he was getting ready to call her.

I paged Marc because Mikey has flu-like symptoms and a swollen lymph node. I'd like for him to be checked out. He doesn't go outside that much but neither is he indoors all the time and I'd just like to be sure he doesn't have it.

So now antibiotics for two weeks and I'm fine. What a good thing it is that this rash showed up. Some people get the disease without ever getting the rash and then it takes a really long time to diagnose.

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