Thursday, August 14, 2008

How Much Bad News Can One Divorce Make?

1) My tenant has destroyed the house I rented to him. Holes in the wall, overflowing toilets, boarded up windows, trash packed into every corner, dog urine, black paint, broken appliances--you name it, he did it. So much for my only asset. I found this out today.

2) The magistrate, in her infinite wisdom, has decided against making the wealthy parent pay any more than the bare minimum the law requires for his children. Hence, our income is now reduced by $1600 per month. As of today.

So currently, I'm crying and reaching out to my friends. I have good friends. Isn't that enough to make up for the above?

Maybe I'll know later today. Just now, I'm reeling.

I went out and sat among the horses. They have a perspective on this stuff. Sniff sniff, they say. Then Munch munch, but not too far away. In their world, when somebody is upset, you just continue munching, but kinda close. Eventually the peace of the herd absorbs whatever agitation happened. You are not you, when you're in a herd. You are sort of you, but you are also wholly the herd. Two yous, in a way, but the lesser is absorbed by the greater consciousness. This removes your burdens. Munch munch in the rhythm of the herd. Grass is good, flies are bad, water is delicious and we love the giver of the grain when she gives it. When she's sad, we care, but munch munch and swish swish. Around her.

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