Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our Delightful Friends

Look at these delightful girls! They are Clementine and Nina. They stayed with us for a month. This post is dedicated to them.

Dear Nina and Clem,

Everybody here misses you. Especially Memphis, who is tossing her head more than ever, but looks so nicely muscled since all the attention she got while you were here.

Dante was sick three nights ago--very sick. He was lying down and getting back up again, pawing the ground, and looking at his stomach. As you know he has been through this before, so I walked him a little and let him get to the hay. He was passing manure, so I thought maybe this was his usual bout of ulcer pain.

But the next morning I woke up very early because of some loud banging in the barn. I went to see, and found Dante down in a stall, clearly having been there most of the night, and in a lot of pain. The banging was from him kicking the sides of the stall. He hadn't drunk any water, either, which is very strange for him. I couldn't get him up, so I called the vet and then started brushing him as he lay on the ground. He closed his eyes and relaxed. After a while, he tried to get up, and this time succeeded. We started walking up and down the driveway until the vet arrived.

Treatment was for pain, and then eight bags (boluses) of fluids that we gave him intravenously. The vet left some more bags to give him and instructions for his continuing care.

But Dante seemed to rally. He still seemed to be in some pain, but he also had a bit of an appetite and began drinking water on his own. I let him into the yard but locked his stall. He wanted to go in there and lie down, which would have been the wrong choice since we wanted him to pass manure and gas.

That afternoon, the vet called. She had taken a blood sample and said his protein was extremely low (2.5 when it should have been 6 to 8). She thought perhaps he had Potomac Horse Fever. He needed 5 days of IV antibiotics. If I paid $500 right then, and $400 more, they would treat him.

I don't like that vet very much because that is their M.O. Treat a horse, charge way too much for the treatment, and then say that more & expensive treatment can be had but only for cash on the table. They've done that before.

Thing is, I don't think he has Potomac Fever. He has chronic issues in his gut, as we already know. And gut issues can cause low blood protein. Why look any further? He probably had a bad bout with his ulcers because we went for a ride and left him behind (I had heard him banging on his stall as we rode up the driveway). He was so worked up and upset that he had an episode like many that we've nursed him through before. A GI leak of any kind lowers blood protein. What he needed for treatment was relief from pain, IV fluids as we did, and then as quick a return to peaceful, normal life as we could give him. So I thanked the vet and said I'm sorry, but I can't afford that treatment. We'll see what we can do with old farmer techniques.

So I brushed him more--lots more--to stimulate the autonomic nervous system and make him feel calm and happy. Then my brother in law helped me saddle Rocket, and Rocket and I led Dante on a nice, calm walk down to Mel's meadow. As we reached the meadow, Dante's mood changed. He relaxed and seemed very happy to be there. "Ah, home," his attitude said.

So Jack, Vegas, and Dante spent yesterday and the night before in the meadow. I brought them back last night. Dante was running in the meadow and seems a bit weakened but definitely over the episode. We'll continue our regimen as before, four feedings a day rather than two, hay or grass in front of him at all times, plenty of water, and that daily ride to keep him feeling like he has an important place in the world, a job to do.

Aside from that, the only news is that Rachelle has begun driving Jack with surcingle and reins. We also had him pulling the cart a little. He didn't seem to mind it until I sat on it, silly guy, and then he realized that he was pulling something.

It's quiet here without you and your family. The horses aren't being ridden as much, of course, with only two of us to ride (Danny and me). But Rachelle is here more often and it looks like Elizabeth is going to learn to ride. She rode Dante last week and had a lesson with Rachelle. That was really fun for her. We also went on a trail ride, Rocket leading Dante while Elizabeth rode him. Elizabeth took one tumble when Dante jumped a creek to keep up with Rocket, but she was all ready to keep up the riding lessons anyway.

Van is coming back, either next week or two weeks later, because my surgery is either next Friday or two Fridays later, depending on the health insurance.

I hope you've had a wonderful time in Canada, and we all think of you often as you begin another year of school. I am hoping so much that things go for you, Clementine, as you hope. It would be so lovely to have you living somewhere nearby as you go to college.

Beijos to you both,

1 comment:

  1. A very nice and very thoughtful letter, Sheila...

    And of course your own adventures seem never ending...

    Love from here...


