Monday, November 10, 2008

Of Children and Puppies

I need to say something about the children. When I write in this blog, I write about the horses, and the farm, but I don't say much about the children. The reason for that is that our lives are under an electron microscope right now for reasons that some of you know. Anything that I say can be used in ways that I didn't predict.

However, I kept journals about the children and their lives before our "public" image became an issue. And now, they have become interested in seeing the blog and I think they would enjoy reading about the adventures.  So I'm going to revert to my old habits and include them in this blog.

So about the puppy... his name is Shadow. He is 12 weeks old and mostly black and he has a border collie sheltie mix.

On Saturday, Danny and I drove all the way to national and New Hampshire to get this puppy. Danny had no idea where we were going but he did know that it was to get his birthday present.

The ride to Nashua was pleasant. We brought along a bag of snacks and I fretted about the fact that we might not have enough room in the car for the "present." Sometimes, as we drove along, I felt like bursting with excitement. I wanted to talk to Danny about the puppy and it is not an easy thing for me to keep something like that secret. But the specter of Van was over my shoulder -- he is the conscience of our family when it comes to keeping secrets until it's time to reveal them. He becomes irritated when somebody blows a secret before it's time.

Horses have an energy field around them -- in fact the essence of "horseness” is not physical but energetic. Our job as riders and trainers is to combine our energy with our horses', or rather, to allow our energy to be combined with theirs, in ways that don't disturb the beauty of the combined energy.

It is the same with children. The difference is that we are of the same species in our energies blend very easily. Furthermore, children have a very complicated agenda when it comes to combining their energies with their parents'.

Danny has the sweetest energy and the most loving persona of any person I've ever met. Imagine what a treat it was, therefore, to spend seven hours in the car with him sharing the happiness of a birthday present. I glanced over at him occasionally and felt a surge of happiness each time I saw his expression of contentment and happiness.

Meanwhile, Mikey was having an excellent day at his friend Cole's house. When we picked him up on her way home, we brought the puppy into the house for everybody to see, and Mikey talked about what they did that day. He played in the barn and tried to catch some wild kittens. Imagine how fun that is when you're nine. The barn is filled with round bales and Mikey and cole played games on and around them.

And now we have shadows energy as part of our family. He is somewhat timid at this point. I think he must be the best named (good job, Danny) animal I've ever met. When we walk around, he shadows us -- stays exactly behind and to the left of somebody's right heel. He moves completely silently. I would describe it more as a glide. He is mostly black and it's easy to lose track of him. Even when I walk with him, it's like he disappears, because he's in my blind spot and so very silent.

So this weekend with the children has been one of opening up our lives to a new being. Even Lucy has opened up her heart to the new puppy. She calmly anchors him and has taught him already some of the routines of our family.

I guess we have just begun yet another new adventure.

(I'm still using Dragon NaturallySpeaking in and out of time to go back and check this. Will check it later but in the meantime if something sounds confusing, it's a "speako".)

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