Saturday, March 29, 2008

Blah Blog

T - 1.5 days.

This morning dawns a bright & beautiful day, happy children because their Easter baskets had been hidden for them (Easter came late this year for reasons I don't want to go into). Got them each on film. Characteristic, each of them.

So here's me, tea in hand, book in other hand, feeling happy & content & like the world is a good place. Sitting across from Dad on the comfy sofa, sometimes silent, sometimes talking. Finally rousing myself to go out to the barn and do the feeding.

But wait...

Before that came yesterday, going out to do feeding in the evening after being gone for a few days. I went first to see the horses in the ring: Dante, Grace, & Vegas. Only Grace & Vegas were out in the yard (I have no idea how they did that), so only Dante was in the ring. His foot still looked pretty bad, but he took one look at me and began to gallivant (yes, that is the perfect word) around the ring. He didn't run and kick up his heals, or rear, or just plain act like an idiot, because his hoof hurt too much, but honest to god he tried. He almost kicked up his heals, and reared, and he definitely tossed his head and nearly knocked me down giving me friendly nudges. There was no mistaking it: that horse was simply glad to see me.

He did the same thing last time I came home from a trip, and I thought it might be indigestion. But now I really do believe that he is so happy to see me after a few days that he runs around celebrating! Wow. I had no idea.

Anyway, back to today. Out to the barn to do the chores, happy time as usual, and back inside, check online to see if my friend is awake (he's not) and then to work a little. Suddenly, at 10:07 I remember that I am supposed to be 2 miles away on horseback at 10:00.

High gear: layers on, riding pants on, gloves, hat, boots, & off to the paddock to bridle Bella.

...who is so tired of being in the paddock she almost bites the bit out of my hands. Good girl, Bella. No saddle for the pregnant lady, she's getting along a bit and I bet it doesn't feel too good to wear one any more.

So off we go up the driveway, gentle trot, the Bella walk (she has a lovely eager walk), and alternate walk, jog, walk, jog, down the road to the Hinsdale place to meet Molly and Ben.

Ben is the new horse for our farm. We had arranged to bring him over by walking him on a trail ride.

I sat on Bella while the two horses sniffed each other, and unfortunately was not prepared for Ben suddenly to turn his rump to Bella and kick out hard. She saw it coming, though, and lurched sideways to avoid the kick, which landed only grazingly on my leg.

Oddly, though, my leg didn't hurt. My shoulder did.

Sigh. I have so little time for things like sore shoulders. I had to sit there on Bella and wait for the pain to subside enough for me to move my arm, and then I asked, sweetly, "Mind if I ride Ben?"

See, if a horse is a kicker, I'd much rather be on his back than pretty much anywhere. Never seen a horse kick his own back, or even his own sides. It's a very safe place to be. Much safter than anywhere near him when he's being ridden by somebody who's skill level you don't know.

So Molly and I switched and off we went for home.

Ben was a good horse, just likes to get carried away. He would have himself in a dead gallop for everyplace he needs to go. I only wished I could oblige him, but not today. Bella is pregnant; so it was gently jog & walk back home again, me resting my right arm on the pommel of the saddle.

By the time we got home my arm was pretty much set in one place. So I got down off Ben, handed him off to Molly & took Bella back to the paddock. Then I made for the house.

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Sling time again. So on goes the sling, down goes the Aleve for pain, and back I go to the barn, really embarrassed that both arms aren't available to help get the new horse settled.

But settled he became regardless, in the paddock with Dante, Grace, and Vegas--and what a sweet herd it is. They all like each other so much that they like to scratch each other with their teeth. It's interesting to watch.

And later that afternoon Donna arrived to look at Cocoa Fox. Donna was judiciously cautious with the Fox, but he opened his eyes wide and paid a lot of attention to her. She led him around a bit and really seemed to understand the kind of athleticism and intelligence he has as his birthright. It's not his fault that nobody trained him. So the only question is--can she train him? She talked about her plans for his next two years, and it sounds like he would be on a good path to go with her. And they seemed to like each other. He got all peaceful and relaxed when she scratched him behind the ears.

But Terry is coming tomorrow and then the final decision will be made about where he goes.

So after Donna left then I got a bit of a chance to crash. I had just fallen asleep when I heard somebody arrive. It was Molly.

"I missed him," she said about Ben. I laughed and kissed her cheek, she was so cute missing her horse and being half embarrassed about it. We sat around talking some more about all the good times we'll have, and about Ben's strong points and the things he has to learn, then I made some dinner. Then Molly took off and Danny & Mikey and I had dinner. Then the three of us went to the barn and did the chores. My arm still wasn't much good, so they had to do a lot of hay lugging and Danny even carried the water to the ponies in the ring.

Back inside, then, for everybody to enjoy themselves doing stuff like reading, talking, and playing with computers.

Then the kids finally gave up and went to sleep.

I checked for messages, was a bit surprised to find none, and a little depressed. We get used to stuff, I guess.

Took another bath to try to make my arm stop aching.

Watched some tv.

Feeling a little blah.

Funny how you can have such a wonderful day full of so many interesting things, and still end up feeling blah. Guess I'm missing my friend.

Well, that and I hate it when my shoulder aches.

Court Monday. T - 1.5 days. Should focus, really.

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